Wednesday, July 20, 2011

I Love You, Emily Giffin

Lately, I have been doing so much reading at work that I have asked friends to give me recommended books that they thought were fun and enjoyable. I am all for serious novels too, I just felt like reading something more light-hearted.

More than one of my friends recommended the author, Emily Giffin, specifically her novels Something Borrowed and Something Blue. I'm sure many of you are familiar with these titles, since Something Borrowed was just made into a Hollywood film starring Kate Hudson and Ginnifer Goodwin.

Emily Giffin

Anyway, these books were phenomenal and I was immediately hooked. They were so enthralling that I finished Something Blue in nearly one day. I know, I need to get a life. I finished both reads within days, which, I must confess, says a lot as it usually takes me weeks to finish a book.

Now, don't go thinking your going to read something similar to Jane Austin or John Steinbeck, these books are more light-hearted. However, the author, Emily Giffin, writes in a really personal way, which I loved. I highly recommend you get your hands on one of these asap!

On to breakfast!

Today I decided on oatmeal. I used to feel the need to sweeten my oats as I thought the flavor was bland, but now I thoroughly enjoy the taste of them when their plain.

In the mix:
1/2 cup old fashioned oats
1 cup water
half a scoop of Sun Warrior
dash of cinammon
chia seeds

cha cha cha chia!

Well, I'm off to my last day of interning. Hope you all have a lovely day and I'll be back later tonight!


  1. Hey Care it's Steph...Love Emily Giffin's books! You should check out, it's a site where you can get recommendations on books to read and you can recommend books to people on your friends list... if you join add me :)

  2. @Anonymous

    Hey Steph, thanks for the rec! I definitely will because I always struggle when trying to find a new book I will like
